Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A taste of what @ATLBEATBATTLE is about
If you are in the Atlanta area and you are a producer or songwriter, this is a good venue to get some exposure, plus network with other producers, songwriters, and underground talent.
For artists, looking for that next hit, want a new sound, come to one of these events and you will most likely find it.
Stay current, Follow on twitter @AtlbeatBattle or go to the source site here
Was Jay-Z just celebrating with the Wildcats?
Might be any fans dream to meet and celebrate with a hip-hop mogul like Jay-Z. But when that Hip-hop mogul is also part owner of a basketball team, being in a room with potential NBA lottery picks look suspect. With pictures and video footage of this situation, Jay-z finds himself under investigation by the NBA. So the question is, was this an innocent congratulation, or was he trying to pursue Kentucky players' Brandon Knight and Terrance Jones, for possible playing for the Nets.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
@shunhendrix covers Mario "Let me Love You"
youngest member of the Grand Hustle Family covers Mario's song "Let me love you"
follow on twitter @shunhendrix
Grand Hustle looking for new material
Are you a producers or writer, seems that Grand Hustle VP(Doug Peterson) is looking for new material for upcoming albums for @tip @dropolo and @bobatl. All you have to do is go to and submit your material today. Dont miss out on this opportunity
@Lyrikkal - Scribbled on em
Even at the age of 10, whether she writes her own lyrics or not, Lyrikkal shows great hustlers spirit, as she has been putting out music videos and pushing out tracks. The determination of this young star is something the music industry has been missing. Anyone can see this right here, could be the rap industry future.
Check out more videos here
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
@myfabolouslife tells Baby mama she has to Go
Just last week, we actually did a Radio Show, on the VH1's show "Love and Hip Hop". It is reported that one of the stars of this show, Emily, who is Fabolous' baby mama, has been told by Fab, that she has to go. She is said to be living in a New York apartment, that is paid for by, no other then baby daddy Fabolous. I have not watched the second episode, but if this has anything to do with the first ep, it could explain a lot. Fabolous actually has been dating this one girl (Saniyyah) for five years. Makes one wonder was anything that Emily said on the first episode even true, about the relationship she claims to have with him, other then him being the baby father and being his stylist, the rest is left for questioning. This show could just be another publicity stunt, to give someone fame that does not deserve it. That is what most reality shows are fueled by, some succeed and some make a fool of themselves and fail.
Will @Chrisbrown ever be able to move forward
One thing about what is said to be human nature, most people are not able to forgive and forget. When this happens, the person seeking that forgiveness becomes stressed out trying to prove their worth. After looking at the past action of Chris Brown, one can say this is the state of mind he is in.
After recently putting out a CD which I have listen to, and think is great work all the way through, most artist go on to promote that CD. One step that Chris Brown took was appearing on Good Morning America, which he found out once again people want to bring up a situation he really wants to forget. Me being an artist myself, the mind frame of an artist is trying to get people to recognize the time and effort they have put into something they think is perfect. Getting the feed back of fans is also a plus side, especially when they are positive feedback. Instead, he had to answer questions about a situation he felt was behind him, but are situation like that ever behind us.
When a person goes to jail and comes out, they are forced to let everyone know they were in jail, and watch the other person pass judgement. In the Bible they talk about forgiveness and passing judgement on others, but it is something we ignore all the time, because people feel it is human nature. Well this human nature has also left Brown without a publicist. It is reported that his publicist Tammy Brook, has decided to no longer represent him. Her words were that "He needs to get it together...". In my mind it is strange when people say this, and then leave the person with no support and leaves them stranded on the island they are on.
Whether or not a person believes that his actions were right the night with Rhianna, someone has to step up and help him get back on his feet and fully recover from the situation. Micheal Vick had Tony Dungy to be his guide to recovery. Who going step up, forgive Chris of his actions and actually help him fully recover. He has been putting out what I think is some of his best work since the incident, but no one is willing to forget it. And everyone just wants to look at him, and label him a person with anger issues. When is society going to break this image of, "Its Human Nature" and actually step up and help one another. learn to forgive and forget, and learn not to pass judgement till the whole story of a person is revealed. Everyone can be helped to full recovery, it just takes one person.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
J Black - The Sample
After listening to this mixtape 2 times, its pretty solid. It had a good vibe, has a nice gangsta feel, and the presence on the mic was great. The beats were on point, he wasnt to overwhelmed. it didnt seem to fake. coulda had a few more real life type songs but overall id put it in my ipod for a while and bump it in my car. We give this Mixtape a 3.5 = In between a 24 hour bug and The Flu
Mixtape Rating 3.5 out of 5
MixTape Rating System
1 = Clean Bill of Health
2 = Light Cough
3 = 24 Hour Bug
4 = The Flu
Yung Ceq - "Everybody Hates Chris" Mixtape review
Cincinnati Rapper Yung Ceq, showed a lot of potential on this mixtape. His Confidence and swag was heard with every bar. The one thing he lacked in some of his songs was energy. It peaked out in some songs but died down to a laid back flow in majority of the mixtape. In a way this did show his ability to be versatile, and the areas that he lacks, I feel in time he can become stronger. My favorite tracks off the mixtape was, "Big Boy Swagg" and "Mr Miyagi". With that said we give this Mixtape a 3 = 24 hour Bug
Mixtape rating 3 out of 5 (3 = 24 Hour bug)
Rating system
1 = Clean bill of health
2 = light cough
3 = 24 hour bug
4 = the Flu
Did Ciara purposely prolong the beef she has with Rihianna

If you can remember the first time that Ciara and Rihanna had an altercation on twitter, you may remember that Rihanna said something about Ciara not being able to sell out concerts. It is reported that Ciara is doing just that now, and Rihanna is not(selling out concerts). Rumor is that one of Ciara tweets subliminally address those comments, then when people started talking about her tweets, she tweeted the above statements.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Jamel Shariff Live "Pay for Play" Prostitution Uncovered In The Dominican Republic (HD)
Do feel bad for some of them after watching this?
Yung Ceq(@CeekyDWilliams) - Big Boy Swagg
Cincinnati's own Yung Ceq Video to "Big Boy swagg" off his "everybody hates chris" mixtape
Follow on twitter @CeekyDWilliams
Friday, March 18, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Nate Dogg dies at age 41 and Yahoo disrespects him

Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
A Letter from @NFLCommish to the Fans

When I wrote to you last on behalf of the NFL, we promised you that we would work tirelessly to find a collectively bargained solution to our differences with the players' union. Subsequent to that letter to you, we agreed that the fastest way to a fair agreement was for everyone to work together through a mediation process. For the last three weeks I have personally attended every session of mediation, which is a process our clubs sincerely believe in.
Unfortunately, I have to tell you that earlier today the players' union walked away from mediation and collective bargaining and has initiated litigation against the clubs. In an effort to get a fair agreement now, our clubs offered a deal today that was, among other things, designed to have no adverse financial impact on veteran players in the early years, and would have met the players’ financial demands in the latter years of the agreement.
The proposal we made included an offer to narrow the player compensation gap that existed in the negotiations by splitting the difference; guarantee a reallocation of savings from first-round rookies to veterans and retirees without negatively affecting compensation for rounds 2-7; no compensation reduction for veterans; implement new year-round health and safety rules; retain the current 16-4 season format for at least two years with any subsequent changes subject to the approval of the league and union; and establish a new legacy fund for retired players ($82 million contributed by the owners over the next two years).
It was a deal that offered compromise, and would have ensured the well-being of our players and guaranteed the long-term future for the fans of the great game we all love so much. It was a deal where everyone would prosper.
We remain committed to collective bargaining and the federal mediation process until an agreement is reached, and call on the union to return to negotiations immediately. NFL players, clubs, and fans want an agreement. The only place it can be reached is at the bargaining table.
While we are disappointed with the union's actions, we remain steadfastly committed to reaching an agreement that serves the best interest of NFL players, clubs and fans, and thank you for your continued support of our League. First and foremost it is your passion for the game that drives us all, and we will not lose sight of this as we continue to work for a deal that works for everyone.
Yours, Roger Goodell |
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
@LupeFiasco Speaks on Obama
Honestly after looking at this, I can understand where Lupe is coming from, and we need to start looking at the whole picture of we have a Black man in Office, and actually look at system it's self.
Remembering Biggie
Its been 14th years since the death of one who is still debated amongst others at the Greatest Rapper of all time.
Oprah Vs Wendy

I personally do not watch Wendy's show, but of all people, one would think that Oprah would be supporting other people, as well as a African-American woman, trying to come up in the talk show business. But then again, this is the same woman that refuses to have rappers on her show, and has started her own religious group. Not worshiping her, but with a different belief towards God.
Do these actions show that Oprah feels like she is above everyone else? In my opinion yes, she has had a very successful career, and for her to stomp on someone else rise seems a bit childish for someone her age. But it also goes to show that Oprah money cannot buy everything, and maybe everyone else is starting to realize this.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Best Rapper March Madness

he 9 females playing in the Play in tournament is
Lil Kim vs Nikki Minaj
Lauren vs Remy ma
Eve vs Trina
Queen l vs Mc Lyte
Foxy Brown vs Rah Digga
Voting for the female round will begin Wedesday, the link for the poll will be put up on this blogsite
After a three years of serving in jail, Prodigy, well known from the legendary rap group Mobb Deep as well as his solo career, was released from prison today. It is said that in while in prison, Producers were sending him material, So we look forward to hearing what he has in stored. The above video is one of his new tracks "Without You"
Follow @PRODIGYMOBBDEEP on twitter
Saturday, March 5, 2011
@CASSIDY_LARSINY speaks on brainwashing in the music industry
The one thing a lot of people will not speak on is being brain washed. The reality of the matter is this is what the music industry does to people everyday. People are afraid of accepting a new artist, if they are not accepted by others, or is that artist does not have the right promotion or beats on their CD, they are looked over.
When I talk about brain washing, I always refer back to two beefs in the rap industry, the first one Jay-z vs Nas and the second is Can-I-Bus vs LL Cool J. When asked who won these battles, you can tell who the true hip hop heads are from their response, who is just a bandwagon rider, or just distracted by material things. What is even sadder, when it comes to the Jay-z and Nas battle, Jay-z is actually reported saying that he lost that battle. But you still have fans today saying Jay-z won. It actually irritates me, and shows me that the people that say these things, are the ones that are responsible for garbage being on the radio now. Why certain artist are labeled great artist, when they spend a whole verse talking bout nothing, and the only thing they have going for them is a catchy hook. And this type of method get recycled and recycled.
Here another example with this new dance trend everyone involved in. All a person has to do and do two or three steps to a beat, come up with a name for the dance, get a hot beat, and they have a hit record. I have seen some of the simplest dances in the world become popular, because music listeners are brainwashed, and it takes away from real artist trying to makes it in the main stream. I am not going say some people are successful because they are apart of this group Illuminati, they successful because they know how dumb some fans are. Real music is dying everyday, and it hard to actually revive it at this point, when a person will actually come out their mouth and say a rapper like Gucci Maine is better then a rapper like Nas. I actually saw this tweet, and it made me shut down my computer for the rest of the day.
@CTheRockStar - Brown sugar

Brown Sugar
Check out this up and coming Pop rock singer, latest song "Dream Girl". With her unique style and soulful melodies mixed with a rock edge, I can see this artist becoming a house hold name soon.
Follow @CTheRockStar on twitter
and also check out her website
@AtlBeatbattle wants to help you promote you music overseas

In April, Atlanta Beat Battle is planning a trip to Austrlia, and is creating a Mixtape to DISTRIBUTE to Hip Hop fans over there. This is a great opportunity for any musician to get their music heard and expand their fan base. They have five spots left to fill on this mixtape. For more details click here
Also follow @Atlbeatbattle on twitter
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
F.R.A.T House (@TG8S1stQTR @stugozium @I_Am_Pure @bellzium @rich_west @GiiWiiz)I Could Not Eat Official Video

This F.R.A.T. Houses new video "I Could Not Eat" Straight out of Greensboro, NC
Follow the whole F.R.A.T. House crew @TG8S1stQTR @stugozium @I_Am_Pure @bellzium @rich_west @GiiWiiz
@omega_spittums Comedy skit Tall men vs short men

Ian Warner also known as omega_spittums is an up and coming comedian, out of North Carolina. His Comedy style touches on just about any subject, and he is not one to hold his tongue. All his work can be seen on his YouTube account. Once you watch one, one has to watch the rest, just to see what he will say next.
At the moment Ian Warner is working on a DVD with all his work, I know I am one that will be looking forward to this. He provides what some lack in this field starting out, and that is non stop laughter The above video is one of his most popular skits, check it out and you'll see exactly what I am talking about
Watoto From The Nile- Letter to Lil Wayne (Official Music Video)
Why is it that this 10 year old girl seems to be smarter than some of these grown Lil Wayne fans. The so called greatest rapper alive just dissed in a Nas "Either" type of way. I agree with this message that she is delivering, and thinks the fact that she took the time to stand up and speak out on what she believes in, shows more maturity than most "adults". These actions right here show that age really aint nothing but a number. And a lot of people need to actually step back and look at what they are really accepting in their lives.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
from Ciara to Farrakhan, Rihanna a true "Good girl gone Bad

Me personally I was a fan on both Rhianna first two albums, and I remember when she said a female does not have to reveal too much of herself to be sexy. At the moment cannot remember what magazine this was, but it was in reference of not thinking about doing the King Magazine when she reached of age. So what happen, was it her "maturing", the situation with Chris, or her trying to hard to become popular.
In the above Video, Ciara mentions how the first time they meet that she was very respectful and kind, and how now a days she does not fit that persona. Now I have heard things about Ciara, but that a different story.
Louis Farrakhan attacks the singer and her fans. Basically attacking her new attitude towards life. One might say her new style is like a soundtrack to a porno. Sometimes I wonder what happen to the girl from the first CD release. I honestly like that Rihanna better, but some people seem to lose themselves in this business, trying to appeal to certain audiences. But in my opinion she has lost herself, or she could be showing the real her from the start. The transition from album 2 and 3 is when the change I felt began. people might like her new stuff, but me personally, one or two songs and I'm done with listening.
After looking at her actions of recent, I really feel she need to re-evaluate herself, and go back to the role when she first came out. If she wants to be the role model she claim to want to be in her post Chris Brown interview, how are her actions of lately a good role model. Just because a person leaves an abusive relationship, does not set a good example when your music is now sounding like it should be at the climax of a porno. There a difference between feel good romantic music or some might refer to baby making music, and just...yea that type of music.
Christina Aguilera arrested

With these actions and previous events of forgetting the words to the National Anthems, one might question where her life is heading right now. Oh not to mention she is in the middle of a divorce. Sounds like another celebrity burying themselves real fast.
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