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Do not let the pretty face fool you, because Lawdi Alo holds a vibrant personality with a feisty demeanor. Born in Boston, MA and raised in Raleigh, NC, Lawdi survived Bacterial Meningitis, which caused her to lose part of her hearing, which only made her a stronger person. She grew up with a love for music and basketball, singing in the choir and playing on the courts, using both outlets as a way to express herself. Spending time with her brother, MrReddy, she grew in love with Hip Hop but never took it as a serious music career, until Reddy asked her to get on a track with him. They called it "Hot Seat" and both were excited by the results. Reddy encouraged Lawdi to keep coming up with new material, so she took his advice and ran with it, spending her time writing and producing her own material. Lawdi Alo once proclaimed that she wanted to be a Pop singer, so working through Hip Hop and R&B got her closer to her destiny.
MrReddy formed the label, KQ Records, and brought Lawdi under the helm, realizing her potential to be a special force in music. Reddy told her "you don't have to be vulgar with the language in order to be involved in Hip Hop", which caused Lawdi to focus on bringing something positive. KQ decided to release her first album, "LawdiTunez" in August, 2008 with high energy and soothing tracks like, "Freeze N Your System" and "Little Things". The fans appreciated her first effort and were looking for more, so with the help of DocSauls, "Back on The Scene" soon followed in 2009. Lawdi's main goal is to showcase her high energy, personality and affectionate love for music.
Follow on Twitter @OhsoLawdi