Friday, April 15, 2011

Kobe Bryant Targeted by Gay right groups

It seems that the Gay right groups want to make an example of a popular celebrity/Athletes, in the heat of the situation that happen in the above video, Kobe Bryant leashed out her anger on the Ref and called him a faggot. Like most humans that get upset, name calling begins, whether or not the person is what you are calling them. So is this situation being blown out for what it is not. But it was reported that the Human Rights Campaign had this to say about Kobe.

“Hopefully Mr. Bryant will recognize that as a person with such fame and influence, the use of such language not only offends millions of LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] people around the world, but also perpetuates a culture of discrimination and hate that all of us, most notably Mr. Bryant, should be working to eradicate.”

So is this them being trying to take advantage of the situation, or them really being concern about Mr. Bryant's actions.

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